Monday, February 26, 2007

A Letter

My Love,

Though you may not receive this letter I thought I would share this moment in my life with someone. The feeling inside of me can never be explained through words. I'm not even sure how this came to be. Although our time together here has been limited, I know we've known each other a great while longer in life times before. When I look at you I see something that no one else is capable of seeing. I see your soul, something that is so familiar to me it hurts. Unfortunately in this life time I don't think it's meant to be between us, in fact it may be the lifetime our souls finally part. This may be one of many possibilities though.

My love for you is so strong I can barely stand to live some days. I knew it was love when I found a way to forgive you for every little thing you might of said or done wrong. I know you've had a hard life. I know your lost and scared. I just wish you would trust the good in your life so you could turn what has been so bad into something that can be so good. You are a good person, I know you are. Watching you be so destructive and uncaring hurts my heart so much. I think and worry about you all the time. I used to think my love for you was so great that nothing would be able to defeat it and that some way I would be able to save you. Sadly that all works differently.

There is no possible way that I could love you more than I do now. This unfortunately doesn't help my situation. I must leave your fate up to something greater than my love now. I cannot go on hoping that one day you will be cured of all your fears and pain. I will soon be self destructive too and lose control of my own life. Then two great things would be lost. I hope that you soon find the right path and become what I know you can become.

I cannot predict what the future holds for you and I both, but this is where I am now. No matter what happens I will always love you and wish you the best.

You're in my heart.



Anonymous said...


please tell me there's something i don't know...

Brooke said...


Please explain.